Well, I'm off of Australia today for my annual Christmas trip home to see my family, friends and dog. As I mentioned before, I'm looking forward to catching up with Pauly & Liz to see how their business is going.
My friend Jacko and I will catch up and settle our beer bet - he will owe me $2 (AUD) as of Jan 1, as I will have managed to go "all year without a beer". He and Meg have finished renovating their house and have sold it. Thankfully they don't move out for quite a while so I'll finally get a chance to see the finished product.
Last night my I was treated to a fine dinner by Nicole to celebrate Xmas and my birthday. The best birthday celebration I've had for years - what a classy lady! The presents (yes - plural can you believe) could not have been better - Thank you!
It's not all fun though. I'll be gone for a month, but I have a ton of work to get through. Oh well, at least when I take break I'll be able to enjoy the sun, and reflect on how it would feel if it were -2°C and snowy outside...
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