MS announced they are "giving away" their new Office UI design. Wait, what are they giving away? Not a product, or toolkit, or samples. No, they are letting you use their User Interface concepts.
Seems to me that the Windows UI was originally built around WIMP principals, oh, 20 odd years ago. That's right, the UI invented by Xerox Parc. Come to think of it, wasn't there a whole bunch of noise around MS "borrowing" the Lotus 1-2-3 menu idea for Excel when it first came out? And what about Apple's woes trying to defend it's UI paradigm legally against, you guessed it, MS. And then there is the tabbed browsing idea that Mozilla introduced that now appears in IE 7.
It would see the worm has turned. If this is indeed enforceable, then it is setting a dangerous precedent for the industry.
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